Lodge Address

19 Barnhart Dr
Hanover, PA 17331

Hanover Moose Lodge 227 logo

To: All Moose Lodges, Chapters, Moose Legions, & Moose Riders


1. Just a reminder to all the Baseball Game is soon approaching (June 18) Fire Works Night, If interested in tickets Please Reach out soon for tickets $11 a ticket If sending a check Make it out to PMA in the memo line write baseball tickets. Write the number of tickets need and a contact person to give them to we will have someone to hand you your tickets.
Send To: James Schneider 8-20th Street Huntingdon PA 16652 Any questions let me know by phone or email 814-251-3485

* 2. Also for donations towards the bike giveaway there have been very few. We are again asking ALL to Help with this!!!!!Send To: Cindy Schilling In memo line put Bikes for Ballgame Thank You Jim Schneider District 3 President


To: All Moose Lodges, Chapters, Moose Legions, & Moose Riders From: PMA State Baseball Committee

Date: March 14,2022

Where: Altoona Curve Baseball Game

When: June 18, 2022 Gates open at 5:00pm, Game Starts at 6:00pm, Fireworks at end of game

To All, On June 18, 2022 the PMA is aGending the Altoona Curve Baseball Game in Altoona PA as a group for a fun night out On June 18, 2022 the PMA is attending the Altoona Curve Baseball Game in Altoona PA as a group for a fun
night out and all are invited to attend. Tommy the Moose will be throwing out the first pitch that evening.
Following the game there will be a fireworks display as well for your enjoyment.

In conjunction with attending the baseball game, the PMA will be doing a Heart of the Community Project by
setting up our EZ ID children and will process as many EZ ID’s as possible to any children attending the game.
Children who complete an EZ ID will be entered into a BIKE GIVEAWAY. This is where we need all of your help!
We are asking All Moose Lodges, Chapters, Moose Legions, & Moose Riders to help with providing any
monetary donations possible, to help with the cost of purchasing bikes for the EZ ID Bike Giveaway. Donations
can be sent to the PMA State Secretary in any amount. Please put EZ ID Bike Giveaway in the memo line of the
check and make checks payable to the PMA. Any and all help or monetary donations would be greatly
appreciated! Anyone interested in helping, may contact one of the committee members. The PMA State
Baseball Committee thank all in advance for your help and contributions.

If interested in attending the game, tickets will be $11.00 per person. Checks can be made payable to the PMA
for tickets. In the memo line please put baseball game tickets. For ticket purchases, helping with the EZ ID’s,
or for more information about the game contact one of the committee members. If interested in spending the
night after the game there are many local hotels in the Altoona area.

Ticket Sales & Informaton:

Doug Redfern 814-280-6094

Phyllis Martin 724-762-9867 (* District 3 members for tickets Please contact Phyllis M. or Jim S.)

Jim Schneider 814-251-3485 (all others contact any one of the 4 listed)

Melissa Schneider 814-251-3680 Info only:

Jim Hudack 814-937-0395

Chris Baker 724-422-7796