Lodge Address

19 Barnhart Dr
Hanover, PA 17331

Hanover Moose Lodge 227 logo

Mavis Starner reached out to us asking for some help:

I am researching info on the veterans buried in Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Carroll County Md. Several were members of the Moose Lodge in Hanover. I was wondering if you keep records of past members and might have photos of them. I am trying to put a face with the name of each veteran. The names of the 2 veterans are: Cletus M. Leister (DOD: 7/4/1990) and Paul R.S. Leatherwood, Sr (DOD: 12/22/1992). I appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks. Mavis”

If you have a photo of Cletus or Paul, please reach out to one of the board members and we’ll help get it to Mavis.