Pursuant to the General Laws of the Loyal Order of Moose, the first meeting of the nominating committee for the General Election of the year 2021-2022 was held March 25, 2022. The offices that need to be filled for the upcoming year are as follows:
Any member, in good standing who wishes to be considered for one of the above positions may so by completing a nomination request form and place it in the nominations box at the lodge. The box and forms are located on the table beside the popcorn machine. Requests must be submitted no later than 6:00PM on April 8, 2022.
Please keep in mind that according to the General Law, Section 35.5, “To be nominated for the office of Governor, Junior Governor or Prelate of a lodge, a member must have been a member in good standing in that lodge for six (6) month immediately preceding the date of election. A member is not eligible for the office of Governor unless he/she has completed at least one (1) year in another elected office (not combination of offices) of the lodge in which he/she seeks office.” All members that are nominated for an office will be subject to a background check.
The elections are to be held at the first General membership meeting in April (April 13, 2022).